Monday, 24 January 2011


This is the font I have chosen to use for my band name. I have decided to use this particular font over the others as I believe this font fitted best with the punk rock/pop punk genre of the band. The black colouring in a convetion of punk as black, green and red are typical punk colours. Another reason why I have chosen to use this font is that it is similar to three big pop punk bands that inpire me, Good Charlotte, Green Day and Blink-182.

Punk band text fonts typically look trashed and battered so I have decided to stick to this convention by having my text looking trashed. The leaking ink from the letters I believe give the text a more punky feel to it as it links in well with the black of the text. This also helps make the text look more punk-like. There are parts missing from the text aswell which also helps make the text look matured and battered. A band text I tried to emulate is Blink-182's. I have tried to copy this text as it looks like stereotypically punk-like.

This is the font that Blink-182. Have used to present their band name. The font of the text I believe follows the conventions of punk style as it is black which is a common colour within punk style. The battered effect of the text also follows the conventions of punk stylistic features as it gives the audience the impression that the text has been old and is worn down. Punk style is stereotypically seen to include dark colours such as reds, black and greens so the black colouring of Blink's logo follows these conventions.

Blink-182's name font is a good font to try to emulate as Blink are one of the most popular pop punk bands in the modern age so they are a great example of a punk icon to inspire my work.


Borrowed camera shot 2.

The shots I intend to copy begin from the start of the video until the 15th second of the video. These shots include the band members on bike's and the camera angles include a high angle shot to show the dominance of the band member on the bike and a long shot in order to display the whole band coming towards to camera. This long shot is used to show the entire band to the audience. I also like the idea of the focus pull from the 1st to the second second. This makes the band memebers appear out of focus at the beginning of the video and quickly come into focus.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Borrowed camera shots.

From this music video, +44 - When your heart stops beating, I intend to copy the 360 degree camera shot which starts at 1:19 in the video and finishes at 1:53. I have chosen to copy this shot as I believe it would be a good shot to use as it shows each individual member of the group in turn. I believe the pace of the shot would also work well within the chorus to the track I am producing a music video for.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Finished record label logo.

This is my design for my record label logo. I created this on photoshop. In order to create an image that looked like a vinyl I had to first create three circles of different sizes, placing the smallest in the centre, middle sized after that and finally the largest around the outside. I then had to make the vinyl look like it was shattered so that it would fit into the record labels name, Broken Records. In order to do this I had to use the cut tool and divide the vinyl the way I wanted and then use the arrow tool in order to move the image to the place I wanted. After that I then uses the brush tool in order to fill the sections of the vinyl with the colours I wanted. I wanted to follow the typical image conventions of vinyls by having the outter circle black, middle circle grey and the inner circle white.

Prop list.

  • Two electric guitar's
  • Electric bass guitar
  • Guitar picks
  • Drum kit
  • Drum sticks
  • Microphone
  • Microphone stand
  • Amps
  • 3 guitar hero/rockband guitars
  • Rock band/Guitar hero drum kit
  • Rockband/Guitar hero microphone
  • Green Machine
  • Skateboard
  • Scooter
  • Basketball
  • Football

These are the necessary props I will need for my music video. The music instruments will be used by the main actors within my video, the band members. The instruments will be provided by the cast, Ricky has his own bass, Aaron's guitar and amp and I will be borrowing a friends guitar. However, the drum kit and microphone with stand can be found in the College grounds.

The Rock band and Guitar hero instruments will be provided by the cast members as they own the equipment I require. I require an instrument for each member of the cast, Rockband guitar for Ricky, Guitar hero guitars for me and Aaron, a Guitar hero drum set for Karl and a guitar hero microphone and stand for me and Ricky. These instruments will be essential for the band scenes within my music video.

The green machine, scooter, skateboard and basketball I have asked for my cast members to provide will be nessacery as I intend to use them during the park scenes of my video. These scenes will include each member of the cast acting like children which'll indicate to the audience that they have 'forgotten' how to act their age. This idea came from the tracks original title 'What's my age again?'

Monday, 17 January 2011

Costume change.

I have decided to change my costume for my music video. Initially I was intending for each of the actors within the video to wear clothes similar to that of the styles of famous punk rock artists such as Blink-182 and Green Day. However, I have decided to have two of my actors, me and Karl, to have our costumes represent the punk genre as a whole by dressing in stereotypical punk/rock clothing. Ricky and Aaron's costume will remain the same. Two of the actors in my music video, me and Karl, costumes will contain elements of stereotypical punk rock clothing and the other two main actors in my video, Aaron and Ricky, costumes will be inspired by popular punk/rock artists over the last decade.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

My record label - Broken Records.

I have decided to create a record label to which my band, Lifelong Controversy, will be signed up to. I have decided to name my record label Broken Records.

I dediced to base my record labels logo on a vinyl as the vinyl record is a common piece of iconography associated with the music industry. The vinyl record, also known as a gramophone or a phonography record, gained popularity by the 20th Century and is still popular today, selling nearly 3 million units in 2008. However, digital media has become more popular in the 21st century as it has gained a larger share in the music market which effectively pushed vinyl records out of mainstream. Ever since it's creation the vinyl record has become an icon within the music industry and that is why I have decided to use it as my logo as people will know that the vinyl was and still is a largely well known musical creation.

I decided to include the letters 'B' and 'R' within the broken shards of the vinyl as they are the initials of the name of the record label, Broken Records. As I have decided to call the label Broken Record's so I have decided to have the image of the vinyl record broken in half.

Album front cover mock design.

The album will be called "You're Disconnected". I have chosen to have this track as the title for Lifelong Controversy's album as I have a range of ideas for album cover art work for this particular name. My main idea for the album artwork is that a picture of an amp with a guitar out of focus in the background with the amp lead disconnected. The words "You're Disconnected" will be written along the disconnected lead. The band's name, Lifelong Controversy, will be included at the top of the album cover in the specific font I have chosen.