Thursday, 20 January 2011

Prop list.

  • Two electric guitar's
  • Electric bass guitar
  • Guitar picks
  • Drum kit
  • Drum sticks
  • Microphone
  • Microphone stand
  • Amps
  • 3 guitar hero/rockband guitars
  • Rock band/Guitar hero drum kit
  • Rockband/Guitar hero microphone
  • Green Machine
  • Skateboard
  • Scooter
  • Basketball
  • Football

These are the necessary props I will need for my music video. The music instruments will be used by the main actors within my video, the band members. The instruments will be provided by the cast, Ricky has his own bass, Aaron's guitar and amp and I will be borrowing a friends guitar. However, the drum kit and microphone with stand can be found in the College grounds.

The Rock band and Guitar hero instruments will be provided by the cast members as they own the equipment I require. I require an instrument for each member of the cast, Rockband guitar for Ricky, Guitar hero guitars for me and Aaron, a Guitar hero drum set for Karl and a guitar hero microphone and stand for me and Ricky. These instruments will be essential for the band scenes within my music video.

The green machine, scooter, skateboard and basketball I have asked for my cast members to provide will be nessacery as I intend to use them during the park scenes of my video. These scenes will include each member of the cast acting like children which'll indicate to the audience that they have 'forgotten' how to act their age. This idea came from the tracks original title 'What's my age again?'

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