Tuesday, 12 April 2011


This is one of my finished ancillary texts, my album advertisement. I put a lot of effort into creating this advertisement and when looked at the finished product, I am proud of it.

I thought very carefully about what my advert would look like and what should be included within it. Firstly, I wanted my advert to stick to the typical punk conventions by including coloured such as black and red for the text. My band logo, the spider, is already black and red which further influenced my decision to keep the colour scheme the same so it wouldn't look out of place.

When looking at other posters I came to realise that most of them, if not all, contained the record label, the band logo, the name of the band and quotes from magazines reviewing the album in a short response. I decided to follow these conventions of music adverts by including all these features within mine.

Firstly, I had to open up photo shop in order to create my advert. I then used the brush tool and chose a colour so that I could filled the background with black. Black is a convention of punk which is why I decided to include it as my background colour. I then created a banner along the bottom so that I could place the spider onto it because the spider wouldn't be very vi sable if I just placed it onto the black background. I wanted the spider to appear on a white banner and I wanted to erase some of the spiders legs but keep the others in order to make it look like it was coming out of the banner onto the advert. I also wanted to follow the typical conventions of music adverts by including magazine reviews. To do this I simpley used the text tool and then wrote out a made up review from a popular magazine. The magazines I used were Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Q and NME. I decided to have these magazines produce a made up review as they are popular music magazines containing sections on punk/pop-punk and rock bands. When I'd written my reviews, I then changed the texts to red, white and black so that they followed the colour scheme of my advert and followed the typical conventions of the punk genre. When completing this, I then moved the texts to where I wanted them on my advert. I wanted to include star ratings within my advert in order to make it seem realistic. For exmaple I wanted Kerrang to award my magazine 5 stars.

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